A self contained security probe with which a skilled user can hack through most security systems and locking mechanisms. Placed in close proximity to a...
The electrostaff is a relatively young weapon in the galaxy, with its origins dating to the Clone Wars. The electrostaff was developed by Baktoid Armor...
The EMP Grenade has become known as the standard in single-man, portable electro-magnetic pulse weapons; used by various mercenaries and well-trained soldiers alike. No expense...
The Energy Sensor Pack (ESP) is similar in design to those found on vehicles, starships, and stations. It was built to provide a portable, non-biological,...
This garment is rumored to have begun as a simple, loose-fitting tunic, but the true origins are clouded with conjecture, and often seems the fabric...
The EVS construction droid first entered production during the reign of Galactic Emperor Drayson, shortly after the fall of the Galactic Republic. At first, it...
Flares are a vital tool for individuals who wish to attract attention to their position, especially in darkness, bad weather or in surroundings where a...