The frame charge, or breaching charge, has existed for centuries, originally intended for use by military forces seeking to breach fortified bunker doors. Within decades...
The FX-7 medical assistant is a cylindrical droid with a number of retractable appendages which give it many advantages over medical staff with only two...
The gaderffii, colloquially referred to as the “gaffi stick”, is a very durable bladed club made of metal. The traditional close-combat weapon of the Tusken...
The GNK Power Droid, often referred to as the “gonk” droid is a mobile power generation unit commonly found in ship hangars, vehicle garages, repulsor...
The Galactic Positioning Sensor is a small, inexpensive device used for navigation. It uses a complex triangulation algorithm to identify the signatures of known objects,...
The handled shield is a hand-carried personal protective device commonly deployed by government agencies and paramilitary organizations seeking to enhance both safety and mission capability....
As diverse in appearance and usage as it is universally accepted by military and paramilitary forces, as well as adventurers and freelance adventure junkies, the...