In any location with multiple doors, access management can become an issue. Security control panels allow all locks to be opened or closed simultaneously from...
Starships are subject to a great many stresses: the impact of microdebris on durasteel hulls, the gnawing of parasites such as mynocks on exposed components,...
Small backpacks are a common sight across the galaxy, with variants found among nearly all species and cultures. In use since time immemorial, the most...
The standard flight mask is constructed of a high-quality synthetic polymer and contains minimal electronic components one might need for space travel. When used in...
The standard flight suit was designed with space travel in mind; it’s produced from an industrial-strength synthetic polymer which allows for maximum flexibility while maintaining...
Stimpacks were created during the First Galactic Civil War when Clone Troopers were required to fight through the pain and exhaustion. When scientists first created...
The sub-space radio was made possible by the development of crystal technology more than 4000 years ago. While it does not transmit signals from system...